Excellent printing, good color fastness, bright color, rich designs, novel fashion. 印刷品质高、色牢度好、颜色鲜艳、图案丰富、时尚新颖;
Determination of additives in cooked meat product by HPLC testing method for sunlight color fastness of plastics under window glass upon exposure to daylight 熟肉制品中防腐剂、合成着色剂检测方法的探讨着色塑料材料的耐光色牢度试验方法:透过门窗玻璃的日光
Testing method for color fastness to cross dyeing of wool 纺织品耐交染色牢度试验法:羊毛
Testing method for color fastness to steaming 纺织品耐汽蒸色牢度试验法
Test method for the color fastness to light of alcohol soluble dyes GB/T12680.4-1990醇溶染料耐光性的测定方法
This type of thread confers the bright color and lustre, perfect color fastness to washing and light, without AZO dyes. 经过染色工艺的不断改进,使得该线具有光泽度高、日晒牢度高和皂洗牢度高的特点,不含偶氮。
The levelness and penetration of acid dye were the best and the color fastness to washing could increase by 1/ 2 or 1 grade by fixation treatment; 酸性染料匀染性、透染性最好,皂洗牢度通过固色可提高半级至一级;
Synthesis and application of color fastness improver to ozone for indigo-dyed cotton fabric 靛蓝耐臭氧色牢度提升剂的合成及应用
Therefore, it does not reduce the gloss of fabric, color fastness and friction fastness, solid-color does not affect the fabric or yarn, after the shade. 因此,它不会降低织物的光泽度、色牢度与磨擦牢度,固色后不影响织物或纱线的色光。
Due to the stability of its chemical properties, it has excellent acid and alkali resistance, color fastness and oxidation resistance. 因其化学性质的稳定,具有出色的耐酸碱性、色牢度和抗氧化性。
The dying rate, level dyeing property and color fastness of PBST fabric were also determined. 同时,对PBST织物的上染率、匀染性及染色牢度进行了分析。
Color fastness for washing, dry cleaning, rubbing and perspiration, etc. 水洗、干洗、摩擦、光照、汗渍等色牢度;
Testing method for color fastness to flat abrasion ( frosting): emery method 纺织品耐平磨擦(毛面玻璃)色牢度试验:金刚砂法
The molecular weight of chitosan has no effect on the color fastness to loight. 壳聚糖整理对羊毛织物染色日晒牢度没有影响。
The product of the acid dyes have a strong level dyeing, dye transfer role, so that uniform color dyed fabrics, bright, color fastness is good, does not cause discoloration. 本品对酸性染料有极强的匀染、移染作用,使染色织物色泽均匀、鲜艳、色牢度好,不会造成变色现象。
Study on the effect of color fastness of water about three dyeing auxiliary to dyed veneer and its mechanism analysis by FTIR methods 3种助剂对染色单板耐水色牢度的影响及其FTIR分析
Influence of transport conditions on color fastness of hydrophilic finished fabrics 运输条件对亲水整理织物色牢度的影响
Problems in pigment printing are always concerned about color fastness, handle or brilliance. 涂料印花一直存在牢度、感和鲜艳度等问题。
The ECO cleaning process of the dyed polyester fibers was analyzed and compared with the conventional processes in the fields of process flow, color fastness, color difference and production cost. 从清洗工艺流程、染色牢度、色差及生产成本等方面,比较和分析了传统清洗和ECO清洗工艺。
Testing method for color fastness to light of fluorescent whitened textiles 荧光增白处理纺织品耐光色牢度试验方法
Optimize the dyeing process by orthogonal test, the recycling effluents dyeing samples were inspected to dyeing K/ S values and the relevant color fastness, and compared with initial sample. 通过正交试验优化了回用染色工艺,测试了残液回用染色试样的K/S值以及相关染色牢度,并与原样进行了比较。
Before using these spotting agents on delicate garments and on textiles with poor color fastness we recommend to carry through a hem test. 对于精细织物或易褪色织物在去渍前,应进行衣角折边测试。
The dyeing heating-rate curve, adsorption isotherm, fluorescent performance and color fastness of silk dyeing with the dyestuff were studied. 研究其丝绸染色时的上染速率曲线、吸附等温线及荧光性能和各项染色牢度,并筛选固色剂进行固色处理。
The color fastness tests showed that REE mordant dyeing could improve the dyeing results of the above fabrics with RRR dye. 通过对染色牢度的测试得出稀土媒染能增加大黄用于改性纤维素纤维织物的固色效果。
The sol-gel technique can improve markedly the wet color fastness and give deepening effect on dyed fabrics. 溶胶-凝胶技术能显著提高直接黑染料的湿牢度,对染色织物还有增深效果。
The morphology, grafting efficiency, dyeing rate and color fastness are compared. 以扫描电镜和红外光谱对这两种方法处理的纤维表面形态和接枝效果,以及上染速率和染色牢度进行了比较。
This project also studied the influence of various process parameters on color difference, color fastness and hand feeling etc. 课题还研究了不同工艺参数对纱线染色的色差、牢度以及光泽手感的影响。
Measures to improve the color fastness are put forward. 较深入地阐述了各项作用的原理和影响因素,并提出了改善或提高色牢度的措施;
White discharge and reserve printing of PF dyes are analyzed, the printing color fastness are tested. 分析了PF型染料的拔白和防印性能,测试了其印花后的各项色牢度。